L.I.F.T - Ladies in Faith Together

This informal gathering of women coming together for the purpose of encouragement, fellowship and fun in a warm and inviting atmosphere.

No hidden agendas. No judging. No gossip. No cliques or clubs. Just real women of all shades, walks of life, age, personalities to come together in unity and one accord. You realize that although we are differenct, we are yet so much alike.

No Spouses or significant others. Just women coming together for one night to unwind and laugh in a peaceful, stress-free atmosphere. We will focus on the Power of God's mercy and grace, how to overcome adversity, health and wellness and much more....

Hope to see you at our next meeting. God Bless !!


Thursday, January 12, 2012

New Every Morning – by Sheila Walsh

One of the things that’s important to me as I study the Bible is to read verses in context of what was actually happening when they were written. It’s tempting to simply pull out a verse like a rabbit from a magician’s hat and apply it to our situation, but if we read in context I believe the message will run deeper.

In Isaiah 43:18-19 we read, “Remember not the former things, nor consider on the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” (ESV)

These words were written to God’s people held captive in Babylon. It was one of the lowest moments in their history. Isaiah prophesies about the coming captivity and exile and yet reminds the people that God is a God of love and he will bring them home. It is one more picture in the Old Testament foreshadowing the coming Christ who will deliver us from our sin and brokenness. In these two verses God is saying, Don’t look back to the time when I delivered your ancestors from Egypt, I am a God who delivers over and over again.

You may find yourself in a place of brokenness at the moment, and even though God has delivered you before, you can’t imagine how he will do it again as your situation is very different. Take your eyes off the past and fix them on Christ whose mercies are new every morning.

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