L.I.F.T - Ladies in Faith Together

This informal gathering of women coming together for the purpose of encouragement, fellowship and fun in a warm and inviting atmosphere.

No hidden agendas. No judging. No gossip. No cliques or clubs. Just real women of all shades, walks of life, age, personalities to come together in unity and one accord. You realize that although we are differenct, we are yet so much alike.

No Spouses or significant others. Just women coming together for one night to unwind and laugh in a peaceful, stress-free atmosphere. We will focus on the Power of God's mercy and grace, how to overcome adversity, health and wellness and much more....

Hope to see you at our next meeting. God Bless !!


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Just Imagine!
by Patsy Clairmont

Getting up in the wee hours to experience the first rays of light conquering darkness heartens me. I watch the ebony melt from the sky and drizzle behind the distant stand of trees, and my senses awaken. Those first morning moments when the sun seems to ignite a horizon of hope—a new dawn, a new day, a new beginning—who doesn’t need that?

“And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness” (Genesis 1:4).

Yesterday can’t be altered, tomorrow can’t be predicted, and today can’t be controlled any more than I can adjust the sun’s path. While that could make us feel helpless, I find a deep comfort in the knowledge that the one who placed the sun on its course has lit a distinct path for us. The path is filled with purpose and with the potential for interior prosperity: “You will show me the path of life” (Psalm 16:11).

While on earth, we will encounter both darkness and light, but that will not always be so. A day will come when Christ in all his glory and light will fill every shaded nook and every shadowed cranny, and darkness will be no more. Nothing will be as we now know it, and earth and God’s people will experience full redemption. Imagine that.

Just imagine!

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