L.I.F.T - Ladies in Faith Together

This informal gathering of women coming together for the purpose of encouragement, fellowship and fun in a warm and inviting atmosphere.

No hidden agendas. No judging. No gossip. No cliques or clubs. Just real women of all shades, walks of life, age, personalities to come together in unity and one accord. You realize that although we are differenct, we are yet so much alike.

No Spouses or significant others. Just women coming together for one night to unwind and laugh in a peaceful, stress-free atmosphere. We will focus on the Power of God's mercy and grace, how to overcome adversity, health and wellness and much more....

Hope to see you at our next meeting. God Bless !!


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Thank you to all my fabulous ladies who came out last night to attend our L.I.F.T. meeting.  It was lots of fun and inspirational.  I truly love each and everyone and thank you for sharing your stories.  A special "Thank you" to Rosie Brodeur for opening her house to us.  The food was terrific, may God continue blessing you and your family. 

Thank you to Diana for her presentation.  (143 back to you).. haha

Next meeting will be held on November 8th at AMC-Kenosha Gordon Hall.  5824 7th Avenue.
Hope to see everyone there.  It is going to be a great night. 

Don't forget to call your "Phone Buddy".  Remember to keep her uplifted and encouraged. 

Couple of things:
Cookie Exchange will take place on December 13th at our L.I.F.T. meeting.
Fundraiser through Cookie Lee Jewelry as started.  If you have any questions, please call me. 
3rd Annual "Ladies Night Out" will be held on April 20th.  Tickets will go on sale soon.
Women of Faith 2-day conference.  October 5 & 6, 2012.  If it's God's will, we would like everyone to attend.  So, if you are interested, please do not hesitate to sign up.

Thank you and God Bless.
Love & Prayers,

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