L.I.F.T - Ladies in Faith Together

This informal gathering of women coming together for the purpose of encouragement, fellowship and fun in a warm and inviting atmosphere.

No hidden agendas. No judging. No gossip. No cliques or clubs. Just real women of all shades, walks of life, age, personalities to come together in unity and one accord. You realize that although we are differenct, we are yet so much alike.

No Spouses or significant others. Just women coming together for one night to unwind and laugh in a peaceful, stress-free atmosphere. We will focus on the Power of God's mercy and grace, how to overcome adversity, health and wellness and much more....

Hope to see you at our next meeting. God Bless !!


Friday, October 14, 2011

Loving Ourselves – by Luci Swindoll

So often we don’t like who we are. We don’t like what we see in the mirror, we’re dissatisfied with how we look or what we weigh, or we’re disappointed in how we’ve misbehaved or how we’ve treated someone else. And the sum total of that prevents us from truly loving ourselves.

At one time or another I’ve felt unlovable for all the reasons listed above, and I imagine you have too. And on rare occasions, I still do. But I’ve learned that God loves me, no matter what. As long as I am confident in God’s love for me, I eventually come around to the realization I can love me too.

What happens when I love me unconditionally? Well, I’m more content, I feel appreciated, I’m sweeter to other people, I don’t get my feelings hurt because I’m secure inside, and I do things for other people without expecting something from them in return—all those things and more. In short, I do unto others what I want done unto me!

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