L.I.F.T - Ladies in Faith Together

This informal gathering of women coming together for the purpose of encouragement, fellowship and fun in a warm and inviting atmosphere.

No hidden agendas. No judging. No gossip. No cliques or clubs. Just real women of all shades, walks of life, age, personalities to come together in unity and one accord. You realize that although we are differenct, we are yet so much alike.

No Spouses or significant others. Just women coming together for one night to unwind and laugh in a peaceful, stress-free atmosphere. We will focus on the Power of God's mercy and grace, how to overcome adversity, health and wellness and much more....

Hope to see you at our next meeting. God Bless !!


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Let's Go ...Let's See
For [the shepherds] it wasn’t enough to see the angels. You’d think it would have been. Night sky shattered with light. Stillness erupting with song. Simple shepherds roused from their sleep and raised to their feet by a choir of angels: “Glory to God in the highest!” Never had these men seen such splendor. But it wasn’t enough to see the angels. Since they wouldn’t be satisfied until they saw him, you can trace the long line of Jesus-seekers to a person of the pasture who said, “Let’s go . . . Let’s see.” (Luke 2:15)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Meeting Schedule for 2012,
FEBRUARY 7th – Tuesday, AMC  Kenosha
5824-7th Ave
MARCH 13th Tuesday, AMC Kenosha
5824-7th Ave
APRIL 20th – Friday, Infusino’s Banquet Hall – Racine Doors open at
MAY 8th Tuesday,  AMC Kenosha
5824-7th Ave
JUNE 9th   Saturday , Carolyn’s Coffee Connections 1351 52nd Street Kenosha
JULY 10th, Tuesday, Maria’s House
AUG 14th – Tuesday, AMC Kenosha
5824 7th Ave
SEPT 11th – Tuesday, AMC Kenosha
5824 7th Ave
OCT 5th – 6th – Women of Faith Conference Bradley Center Milwaukee
OCT 9th – Tuesday, AMC Kenosha
5824 7th Ave
NOV 4th -5th – Sunday/Monday – Ladies Retreat to Chula Vista Resort. 
NOV 13th – Tuesday, AMC - Kenosha 5824 7th Ave  Holiday Cookie Exchange
DEC 11th – Tuesday, OLIVE GARDEN – Holiday Dinner & Exchange
Thank you to all my fabulous ladies who attended L.I.F.T. last night.  It was a great night.  Thank you to everyone who made an effort to participate.  Hope everyone enjoyed "Maria's Favorite's".  If it is God's will, next year will be better and bigger.  Remember what we shared last night and keep it close to your heart.  With lots of love and many blessing, we would like to wish everyone a Joyous Holiday and New Year. 

1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate anti-depressant.

 2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. Talk to God about what is going on in your life.

 3. When you wake up in the morning complete the following statement, 'My purpose is to __________ today. I am thankful for ______________'.

 4. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that are manufactured in plants.

 5. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, wild Alaskan salmon, broccoli, almonds & walnuts.

 6. Try to make at least three people smile each day.

 7. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control.  Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.

 8. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a College kid with a maxed out charge card.

 9. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

 10. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

 11. Don't take yourself so seriously.  No one else does.

 12. You are not so important that you have to win every argument.  Agree to disagree.

 13. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.

 14.. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

 15. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

 16. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: 'In five years, will this matter?'

 17. Forgive everyone for everything.

 18. What other people think of you is none of your business.

 19. GOD heals everything - but you have to ask Him.

 20. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

 21. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch!!!

 22. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

 23. Each night before you go to bed complete the following statements: I am thankful for __________. Today I accomplished _________.

 24. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.

 25. When you are feeling down, start listing your many blessings. You'll be smiling before you know it. 

Monday, December 12, 2011


Hey ladies,
Just a reminder L.I.F.T meeting tomorrow 6:30pm.  Don't forget your cookies.!!!!!  Can't wait to see everyone there tomorrow.  God bless.


Information regarding 2nd Annual Cookie Exchange:  Each participant must bring 6 dozen cookies to the Dec. 13th L.I.F.T. meeting.
Rules for participation:
  1. They must be home made.
  2. Place ½ dozen cookies in sip-lock bag (You will have 12 bags total)
  3. Please include your recipe with each bag
  4. Bring your cookies to the Dec 13th L.I.F.T meeting or before to:  Maria or Diana.
  5. Enjoy.

Never Means Never

Never Means Never
Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. —Deuteronomy 31:6

When we find ourselves in the greatest places of testing, the Lord tells us over and over and over and over and over: “I will be there!” When I face new trials, I look back at God’s track record in my life, and God’s faithfulness increases my faith. When he says, “I will never leave you, never means never!”
As you look at your life today, my prayer is that you will take some time and write out for yourself what God’s track record is with you. Consider:
  • When did you come to faith, or have you yet?
  • What do you trust about God today that you may not have trusted him for some time ago?
  • Can you look back and see God’s hand at work now in situations where you could not see it before?
  • Do you love God today more than you did a year ago?
  • Do you believe he loves you?
I believe that God’s love for us is overwhelming and his faithfulness unending. Whatever you are facing right now, be it the worst of times or the best, remember you are loved by a God who spared nothing of himself to show his faithfulness.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Relationship Tips for the Holidays by Pam Farrel

10 Relationship Tips for the Holidays
C – Center your heart on the deeper meaning of the holidays. This will help everyone become easier to get along with because the heart of the holiday will remain intact.

H – Hear what your friends and family are voicing as their stress, and listen carefully to them—a gift that will lower their stress.

R – Reach out as a family to help others in order to keep the proper perspective on what is really important in life.

I – Invest in memories, not material goods. Make time for family baking, tree decorating, or board games.

S – Speak your love in words. The best gift you can give is for a person to hear their value and worth from your lips.

T – Take time for romance. The greatest gift you can give your children is a happy marriage.

M – Make time to reach out to extended family. Visit or call grandparents, aunts, and uncles.

A – Assume nothing; ask those who are celebrating with you what their expectations are, and communicate the plan clearly so people feel informed.

S – Stay flexible. Don’t be a Christmas boss, ordering family around. Instead slow the pace, gather consensus, and give options so that you create an environment of connecting and sharing.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

When the prophet Isaiah foretold the birth of Christ, a new hope was born into the world; a hope that lives in us today.

Your spiritual journey begins the moment you believe in this extraordinary hope, and lasts through all eternity. We invite you to open the Word and open your heart, and begin this day in a deeper relationship with the One and Only, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Filling Your Blessing Basket – by Sheila Walsh

Sheila WalshIn her book Basket of Blessings: 31 Days to a More Grateful Heart, Karen O’Connor shares her experience. “If you want to be content, to experience peace,” a friend had told Karen, “write down your blessings—the things you’re grateful for—on slips of paper and put them in a container of some kind. A small basket or box or bag will do. Soon it will be full to overflowing. From time to time look at what you wrote. No one can be discontent for long with so much to be thankful for.”

In addition to filling a “blessing basket” on a daily basis, we could write a letter to God once a year, listing all that pours out of our hearts for his extravagant grace to us. Think of what a joy it would be to keep our annual letters of gratitude to read through the years or to pass on to our children. What a celebration we could have as we remind ourselves of the faithfulness of God.

Whether our thank-you moments are momentary, intentional pauses in the midst of a hectic day, thank you notes to God for his many blessings, or lengthy discourses of his grace, cultivating an attitude of gratitude will remind us of the truth that undergirds our lives: “For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations” (Psalm 100:5).

Holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter can be joyful occasions, but I’m aware that they can be painful too. Perhaps you have lost a loved one and this is this first time you will face a particular birthday or anniversary with an empty place at your table. Perhaps family times make you feel lonely, remind you of what’s not true for you at this moment. I pray that you might know deep in your spirit that you belong to an eternal family; you are loved by God, enough for him to send his precious Son to the Cross for you.
We have so much to celebrate as daughters of the King of Kings. I pray that you might find a quiet place today to stop and lift your heart up in gratitude to our Father.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

L.I.F.T MEETING 11/9/11

Thank you to all the fabulous ladies who made an effort and came out last night to our LIFT meeting. 
Thank you for all your support. 
Don't forget next month meeting will be held at the Church, Gordan hall entrance, on December 13th,
if its God's will. 

Last night was a blast.  Okay Ladies, who knows how to make a cake from scratch? 
Well, it's not as easy as it seems when you are not an everyday baker. 

Here is the basic ingredents for a standard cake:
2 Cups of Sugar, 2 cups of Flour, 1 Cup of Milk, 1 Stick of Butter, 1 tsb of vanilla, 4 eggs, 2 tsp baking powder. 
Supplies given

The winners !!!  Theresa, Shelby and Dolores

Monica's reaction to eating the "almost winners" cake. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

God Will Pay – by Renie E.

Jesus CallingI purchased six Jesus Calling books with the spiritual understanding that God would lead me to who needed the books. I only have one left. I gave the books to people I feel God directed me to, one of them being my hairdresser, a man. This was very unexpected and I can’t wait until he starts reading it. It will be interesting to see the conversations it will open up. What an opportunity to witness—it is so much fun!

I was walking with another friend who was sharing her troubles and I said “I have a book for you.” She offered to pay for it but I said, “No, God will pay for it.” This is goose pimple true: about 10 to 15 steps after that we saw, on the sidewalk, a $20 bill face up between us. (Not wrinkled—and no one was in sight.)
I said “He not only paid for your book, you have someone else who needs the book.” (Cost of book=$9.99 so $20 covers two books.) Sure enough she did have a friend in need.

When I said “God will pay for it,” I had no idea that He literally would, on a sidewalk—and immediately after saying it!! He is just incredible.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Turtle Talk by Marilyn Meberg

Turtle Talk by Marilyn Meberg
I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about turtles but I find myself drawn to them for reasons that sometimes elude me. Maybe they inspire compassion. They are such odd little pigeon-toed creatures lugging a far-too-large house-shell about in an effort to get from one place to another. I can’t imagine the patience they must have simply to navigate their dreary and seemingly limited world. I think I’d probably just hole up in my shell and think “It’s not worth the effort. What’s the reward for finally reaching my destination?”

My house is on a little man-made lake; one of my special pleasures is keeping tabs on the 30 or 40 pond turtles which line up on the bank sunning their shells. The slightest unfamiliar sound will cause them all to race pell-mell down the bank and fling themselves into the water. (Not an easy feat for the severely pigeon-toed.) Within minutes, somehow a safety signal is communicated and they all haul themselves out of the water positioning their shells once again in the Texas sunshine. This little drama always pleases me; I don’t know why. Maybe because it’s predictable and has a happy ending; a kind of “all’s well that ends well” observation.

My appreciation for turtles, however, rose to a new and unexpected high when I was meandering around the Internet in search of an award-winning recipe for macaroni and cheese which I was told I’d find on the Web page of a notable chef. I adore macaroni and cheese, so I was determined to thread my way through the incomprehensible vagaries of my computer in search of this recipe.

Well, guess what? I never found the chef’s Web page but instead stumbled onto a little film about a child psychologist who trained a turtle to do dog tricks!! The film showed the turtle responding to verbal commands. The trainer would say “shake” and immediately the pigeon-toed little turtle arm would be extended for a “hand shake”. That trick was followed by “roll over,” “sit,” and “run in a circle.” Is that not unbelievable?? I was utterly enthralled.

The trainer is a child psychologist who uses the turtle as an encouragement to his young clients who suffer from pathological shyness. They see the turtle come out of her shell and perform tricks. The children are inspired to do what they are afraid to do: trust their environment and accomplish tasks beyond their own expectations.

I don’t have a clue how to tell you where to find this charming piece because I don’t know how I found it in the first place. But here is what I can tell you. The pigeon-toed turtle is not to be underestimated. God has placed within that odd little creature capabilities beyond all expectation. And if God has done that with a turtle, He certainly has done that with you and me.

So let’s lumber out into the world with renewed purpose and positive expectation. Let’s grab that familiar Philippians 4:4 verse and claim it for ourselves. “I can do all things through Christ…” We can because He enables us!!

Monday, October 24, 2011


Well you ask yourself what is so good about Monday. 
"The weekend is over and now I have to get back to routine!!!!!"

Let me tell you why I am happy this morning; because JESUS allowed me to wake up this morning being about to breath and drive myself to work and make a fresh pot of coffee with French vanilia cream!!!!

We had a pretty trying weekend beginning with Friday.  I woke up and took Kayle and Sofia to her doctors appointment and while waiting for them, I got a flat tire.  I called my dad, my brother Paul, my other brother Rick and no one answered their phone.  I sat in the car thinking to myself, "what should I do".  Should I panic or cry.  Should I call AAA.  Then I decided to call my sister Ester just to inform her that I would be ordering her jewelry today and during our conversation she asked me, "what are you doing sitting in your car".  I explained to her the situation and she said, "I'll be right over.  I'll go to the gas station buy Fix a Flat and be right there".  Before I could say, "No, thanks, I'll call AAA".  She was already on her way.  In 5 minutes she was there ready to help.  Wow, we as woman can do anything.  I was so impressed that she was ready and willing to help me without questions asked and she had a plan.  God is good.

Then on Saturday, I woke up and Norby and Andrea asked me to go to breakfast with them.  "Really" I said.  "What you're asking me to breakfast cause you want me to pay".  Norby looked at me and said "No, I'm paying".  I almost fell to the floor in shook.  So, I spent the day with Norby and Andrea.  We went to breakfast, Walgreens, Target and then the movies to see Courageous.  (By the way; GREAT MOVIE !) By the time we got home I was so tired that I decided to take a nap.  My plan was to get up early enough to shower and get all pretty, pick up Alina from the train station and go to church.  Well, I over slept!!!  Jumped out of bed, combed my hair back and I just put it up in a barrett and left to pick up Alina, looking a hot mess. 

Well, when I got to church I saw Monica on the phone with Janie and she was in a shock and panic mood.  I asked her what's wrong and she replied, "My mom and dad were just in a car accident" and ran out the door.  What horrible news to hear that someone was in a car accident and not knowing if anyone was hurt or not.  So, I started to pray.  My brother Joe and Janie were rear-ended by someone going around 50mph but due to our great God that we serve, he protected them and allowed them to walk away without serious injury.  Thank you Jesus.  The amazing part of this is as soon as Isaiah heard that his Tata and Nana were in a car accident he began to pray.  Mind you, he is only 5 yrs old but he did what he knew best.  He prayed to Jesus to help his Tata and Nana while JoJo cried all the way to the hospital demanding the he see his Tata. (JoJo turned 4 today).  AJ and Sammy were in the car with Joe and Janie when the car accident happened and were not injured but it is so amazing how kids react.  AJ and Sammy were scared but they were more scared for their Tata and Nana, they were not worried about themselves.  They just wanted to know that Tata and Nana were okay.  Sammy would not leave Janie's side when they arrived at church.  He was so concerned about them and wanted to know, "if that guy was going to hurt them again".  I ask that you keep them in your prayers for fast healing on their bodies.  They are both sore but doing well. 

So, you see why I'm thankful this morning.  I am thankful that my family is safe.  That Jesus took control of the wheel.  That I reconize that I can not live my life without Jesus.  I am thankful that I have my family in my life.  I am thankful for my job and my surroundings.  I am thankful for my kids and grandbaby, Sofia.  I am thankful that Anthony is growing and doing well and that we will all meet him in December when he decides to bless Norby and Andrea.

Also, the reason why I wanted to wake up early and get pretty on Saturday was I had a feeling that a certain someone was going to go to church and he did and I looked a hot mess !!!  No lie, I looked a real hot mess.  This just goes to show you that we always need to be ready in all areas of our lives. 

People get ready, Jesus is coming and you don't want to be caught off guard.  Be prepared!!!

Love and Prayers,
Walgreens(Pricing is valid 10/23-10/29)
Kleenex Cool Touch Facial Tissue, 50 sheets $1.50
Buy 2, Receive $1.00 Register Reward
Use 2 $0.50/1 Kleenex Cool Touch Facial Tissue from SS 10/2
Pay $2.00, Receive $1.00 Register Reward
Final Price: $0.50 each when you buy 2

Sure Antiperspirant/Deodorant, 2.6 or 2.7 oz  (excludes aerosol) $1.50
With in ad coupon, Limit 6
Use $1.00/1 Sure Antiperspirant and Deodorant from SS 10/2
Final Price: $0.50

DiGiorno Pizza, 12 in $5.00
When you buy 2
Use 2 $2.00/1 – DiGiorno Pizza Product, any – (facebook.com)
Or 2 $1.00/1 DiGiorno Pizza from RP 9/11
And Use $1.00/2 DiGiorno Pizza, 12 in. from Walgreens November Booklet
Final Price: $2.50 each when you buy 2

Zantac Acid Reducer, 24 ct 150 or 30 ct 75 $7.99
Buy 1, Receive $2.00 Register Reward, Limit 1
Use $5.00/1 – Zantac Product, 24ct or Larger – (smartsource.com)
Or $5.00/1 – Zantac Product, 24ct or Larger – (smartsource.com)
Or $1.00/1 Zantac Product, 24 ct or larger from SS 9/25
Pay $2.99, Receive $2.00 Register Reward
Final Price: $0.99

Colgate Dental Care, Pro Clinical or Total Advance Toothpaste, 4 oz, Total Toothbrush $3.00
Buy 2, Receive $4.00 Register Reward
Use 2 $0.75/1 Colgate Total, Max Fresh or Sensitive Toothpaste, 4 oz+ from SS 10/2
Or 2 $0.50/1 Colgate Toothpaste, 4 oz+ or liquid gel from SS 10/2
Or 2 $0.35/1 Colgate Total, Max Fresh or Sensitive Toothpaste, 4 oz+ from SS 10/2
Or 2 $0.35/1 Colgate Toothpaste, 4 oz+ or liquid gel from SS 10/2
Or 2 $0.35/1 Colgate Adult or Kids Manual Toothpaste from SS 10/2
Pay as low as $4.50, Receive $4.00 Register Reward
Final Price: $0.25 each when you buy 2

Carmex Lip Care, .15 to .35 oz $1.59
Buy One Get One Free
Use $0.35/1 – Carmex Lip Balm – (facebook.com)
Final Price: $0.45 each when you buy 2

Welch’s Grape Jelly, 32 oz $1.50, On Sale Starting 10/23
With in ad coupon
Use $0.75/1 – Welch’s Jelly – (tastetheharvest.welchs.com)
Final Price: $0.75

Dentek floss picks 75 or 90 pack - 2/$4
RR: $2 wyb 2
Use (2) $.75/1 from 10/23 SS
Pay $2.50, get back $2 RR
Total: $0.25 each

Cottonelle Fresh Flushable Wipes, 36 ct $2.00, Clearance Price (if available)
Use $1.00/2 – Cottonelle Wipes, Any Size – (cottonelle.com)
Or $1.00/2 Cottonelle Wipes, Any Size from All You, August 2011
Final Price: $1.50 each when you buy 2

CVS:(Pricing is valid 10/23-10/29)

Spend $10.00, Receive $3.00 Extra Bucks when you purchase any CoverGirl cosmetics (excludes clearance), Limit 1

Buy 2 CoverGirl Blushes $4.99
Use $8.00/2 Covergirl Face Products, Limit 4 Like coupons per transaction from PG 10/2 (exp 10/31)
or 2 $1.00/1 Covergirl product, Limit 4 Like Coupons per transaction from PG 10/2 (exp 10/31)
or 2 $1.00/1 Covergirl product, Limit 4 Like coupons per shopping trip from PG 10/16 (exp 11/30)
Pay $1.98, Receive $3.00 Extra Bucks
Final Price: $1.02 Moneymaker

Spend $12.00, Receive $4.00 Extra Bucks when you purchase select Glade products, Limit 1

Buy 3 Glade Lasting Impressions Plugins $5.00
Use 3 $3.00/1 Glade Lasting Impressions Warmer from Parade Insert 10/2 (exp 12/31)
Pay $6.00, Receive $4.00 Extra Bucks
Final Price: $0.66 each when you buy 3

Spend $30.00 on Select Items, Receive a $10.00 Gift Card, Limit 5

Buy 5 Scott Choose – A – Size Mega Rolls 6 Pack $6.00
Use 5 $1.00/4 Scott Towels, 4 or more rolls from SS 9/11 (exp 10/23)
Pay $25.00, Receive $10.00 Gift Card
Final Price: $3.00 each when you buy 5
Starbursts, Singles $0.50, On Sale Starting 10/23
Buy 4, Receive $1.00 Extra Buck, Limit 1
Use 2 B1G1 Free – Starbursts, Singles, CVS Coupon – (cvs.com)
Pay $1.00, Receive $1.00 Extra Buck
Final Price:  Free when you buy 4

Friday, October 21, 2011

Somebody gave me a little jar of “Miracle Bubbles” with a plastic wand . . . and I blew bubbles for maybe ten minutes. (I made a new wand with the shape of a cat on the end. I wanted to see if the bubbles would come out cat-shaped. They don’t.)
Maybe you’d like to have your inner child come outside and enjoy a bit of adventure, but you don’t quite know how to coax her forth. After all, you’re grown up, have a respectable job where you wear business clothes every day, have worked hard for your education, and don’t want to look like an idiot by acting like a child blowing bubbles. You don’t have time to be creative and playful. It takes all the energy you can muster just to get through your busy day at the office. If you let down your decorum, what will people think?
I can tell you what they’ll think. They’ll be jealous that you’ve found a way to take the drudge out of the daily grind. They’ll want what you have. Everybody wants to be where the fun is. I don’t know a single person who is having too much fun.
Here are half a dozen tips that may help you bring your muse into the sunlight:
  • Figure out what the child within you wants to do and do it.
  • Listen to that tiny, soft voice inside and believe it.
  • Quit conforming to what the world demands and say, “No!” (Kids are good at that.)
  • Surround yourself with people who love you and enjoy them.
  • Create a life for yourself that’s meaningful and live there.
  • Keep in mind that imagination is more important than knowledge.
These six things won’t get you to heaven or make you debt free or fill in all the gaps in your needy soul, but they will give you a start in gaining victory over some of the enemies with which you wage war all too often—boredom, anxiety, cynicism, stress, and procrastination. These little tips have worked for seven decades and even now I’m still learning about the little person inside me who wants to come out and play.

Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

—Matthew 18:3 NIV

Monday, October 17, 2011

Coupon Cents by the Savings Sisters:  Diana & Monica

Target Pricing is valid 10/16 – 10/22

Buy 10 Vitaminwater, 20 oz $1.00
Pay $10.00, Receive a $5.00 Target Gift Card
Final Price: $0.50 each when you buy 10

Extra, Doublemint or Juicy Fruit Gum, 3 pk $1.89
Use $1.00/1 Extra, Orbit, Eclipse, Juicy Fruit, Double Mint, Spearmint, Big Red or Winterfresh from SS 7/31 (exp 10/31)
Or $1.00/2 Extra, Orbit, Eclipse, Juicy Fruit, Double Mint, Spearmint, Big Red or Winterfresh from SS 7/31 (exp 10/31)
Final Price: $0.89

Juicy Juice, 8 pk $1.89
Use $0.50/1 – Nestle Juicy Juice Product – (nestlefamily.com)
Final Price: $1.39

Crest Toothpaste, 4-7.8 oz select varieties $2.99
Use $1.00/1 Crest Toothpaste 4.0 oz or more or liquid gel, excludes Crest Cavity, Baking Soda, Tarter, Limit 4 Like coupons per shopping trip from PG 10/16 (exp 11/30)
Or $1.00/2 Crest Toothpaste 4.0 oz or more or liquid gel, Limit 4 Like coupons per transaction from PG 10/2 (exp 10/31)
Or $1.00/1 Crest Toothpaste 4.0 oz or more or liquid gel, excluding Crest Cavity, Baking Soda, Tarter, Limit 4 Like coupons per transaction from PG 10/2 (exp 10/31)
And Use $1.00/1 Crest 3D White oral care item, excludes whitestrips and travel/trial sizes, Target Coupon from RP 9/25 (exp 10/31) (if included)
Final Price: $0.99

Pantene Mousse, Shampoo or Conditioner, 12.6 oz $3.50
Use $3.00/2 Pantene products, excluding trial size, Limit 4 Like coupons per transaction from RP 9/25 (exp 10/31)
Or $1.00/2 Pantene products, excluding trial sizes Limit 4 Like Coupons per transaction from PG 10/2 (exp 10/31)
And Use $1.00/2 Venus, Pantene, Secret or Olay Products from RP 9/25 (exp 11/26)
Final Price: $1.50 each when you buy 2

Transformers Action Figures $6.99
Use $5.00/1 – Transformers Dark of the Moon Toy Purchase, $5.99 or More, Manufacturer Coupon – (target.com)
Final Price: $1.99

Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Stick, $2.34 thru 10/22
Use $2.00/1 – Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Facial Product – (palmers.com)
Final Price: $0.34

Sobe Pure Zero Calorie Water $0.71, Clearance Price
Use $1.00/5 Sobe, or Propel Beverages from Pepsi Moments to Save 10/2 (exp 10/22)
Final Price: $0.51 each when you buy 5

Walgreens Pricing is valid 10/16 – 10/22.

Campbell’s Soup, 10.75 Cream of Chicken or Mushroom $0.79
With in ad coupon, Limit 3
Use $0.40/3 – Campbell’s Condensed Great for Cooking Soups – (coupons.com)
Or $1.00/5 – Campbell’s Condensed Cooking Soups – (campbellskitchen.com)
Or $0.40/4 Campbells Condensed Great for Cooking Soups from SS 9/18
Or Use $0.25/4 Campbells Condensed Great for Cooking Soups from SS 9/18
Final Price: $0.59 each when you buy 5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Air Freshener Kit, AirWick Freshmatic, Lysol Neutra Air FreshMatic $7.99
Buy 1, Receive $3.00 Register Reward, Limit 1
Use $4.00/1 Airwick Ultra Freshmatic or Compact Freshmatic Kit from SS 9/11
Pay $3.99, Receive $3.00 Register Reward
Final Price: $0.99

Clorox, 35 pack Disinfecting Wipes, Clean Up 32 oz, Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 3.5 or 24 oz, Bathroom Cleaner, 30 oz $3.00
When you buy 2
Use 2 $0.25/1 Clorox Disinfecting Wipes from SS 8/21
Or $1.00/2 Clorox Clean up, Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Bleach, Tilex Mold and Mildew Remover or

Pine Sol Brand Cleaner from SS 8/21
And Use $2.00/2 Clorox Household Cleaners 3.5 to 32 oz or 35 pack Wipes from the Walgreens October Booklet
Final Price: $1.50 each when you buy 2

Suavitel Fabric Softener, 33.8 oz $2.99
Buy One Get One Free, With in ad coupon, Limit 4
Use 2 $0.50/1 Suavitel Ultra Fabric Softener from SS 10/9 (if included)
Final Price: $0.99 each when you buy 2

Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 16 oz $2.99
Buy One Get One Free, With in ad Coupon, Limit 4
Use 2 $0.50/1 – Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner – (lysol.com)
Final Price: $0.99 each when you buy 2

Carmex Skin Care Healing Lotion, 13 oz $7.99
Buy 1, Receive $4.00 Register Reward, Limit 1
Use $1.50/1 – Carmex Skin Care Product, 4 oz+ – (mycarmex.com)
Or $1.00/1 – Carmex Skin Care Product, 4 oz+ – (coupons.com)
Pay as low as $6.49, Receive $4.00 Register Reward
Final Price: As low as $2.49

Dove or Degree Antiperspirant/Deodorant, Select Varieties 2.6 to 3 oz $2.00
Buy 2, Receive $1.00 Register Reward, Limit 1
Use 2 $0.75/1 Dove AntiPerspirant/Deodorant or Body Mist from RP 10/2
Pay $2.50, Receive $1.00 Register Reward
Final Price: $0.75 each when you buy 2

Buy 4 Suave Professionals for Men 2 in 1, 28 oz $3.49
Use 2 BOGO Free Suave Professional Shampoo or Conditioner from RP 10/2
And $0.50/2 Suave Men’s Shampoo, Conditioner or Styling Products from RP 10/16
Pay $6.48, Receive $3.00 Register Reward
Final Price: $0.87 each when you buy 4

W Ultra Thin Maxi Pads, 18 pack $2.00
Buy 1, Receive $2.00 Register Reward
Pay $2.00, Receive $2.00 Register Reward
Final Price: FREE!

Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief 360 Toothbrush or Toothpaste, 4 oz $4.99
Buy 1, Receive $3.00 Register Reward
Use $1.00/1 – Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief Toothpaste – (colgate.com)
Use $0.35/1 Colgate Total, Max Fresh or Sensitive Toothpaste, 4 oz+ from SS 10/2
Or $0.35/1 Colgate Adult or Kids Manual Toothbrush from SS 10/2
Pay $3.99, Receive $3.00 Register Reward
Final Price: As low as $0.99

Listerine PocketPaks, 72 pack, Reach Total Care Toothbrush or Floss, 30 yards $2.99
Buy 1, Receive $2.00 Register Reward
Use $0.50/1 Listerine PocketPaks, Pocketmist or Plax Rinse from SS 1/09
Or $0.50/1 Listerine PocketPaks, Pocketmist or Plax Rinse from SS 4/17
Or $1.00/1 Listerine Total Care Mouthwash, Reach Toothbrush, Reach Floss or Reach Access Flosser from SS 4/17
Or $0.50/1 Listerine Total Care Mouthwash, Reach Toothbrush, Reach Floss or Reach Access Flosser from SS 7/31
Or $2.00/1 – Reach Toothbrush, Excluding Reach Crystal Clean – (walmart.com)
Pay as low as $0.99, Receive $2.00 Register Reward
Final Price: $1.01 Moneymaker!

Bayer Asprin, 32 ct Low-Dose, 36 ct Chewable $0.99
With in ad coupon, Limit 3
Use $1.00/1 Bayer Aspirin Product from RP 9/11
Final Price: FREE!

Buy 2 Thermacare Heatwraps, Neck, Shoulder & Wrist, 3 ct $6.49
Use 2 $3.00/1 – Thermacare – (thermacare.com)
And Use $1.00/1 Advil 80 to 100 ct, Advil PM 32-120 ct or Thermacare Wraps 2 or 3 pack from Walgreens October Booklet (coupon will deduct $2.00 with the purchase of 2)
Final Price: $0.87 each when you buy 2

Theraflu, 6 pack Vapor Patches, 6 patches, Liquid, 8.3 oz, 24 ct Caplets $5.00
Buy 2, Receive $5.00 Register Reward, Limit 1
Use 2 $2.00/1 – Theraflu Multi-Symptom Severe Cold with Lipton Green Tea and Honey Lemon Flavors – (bricks.coupons.com)
Or 2 $2.00/1  Theraflu Multi Symptom Severe Cold with Lipton Green Tea and Honey Lemon Flavors from SS 9/25
Or $3.00/2 – Theraflu Products – (bricks.coupons.com)
Or $3.00/2 Theraflu Products from SS 9/25
Pay as low as $6.00, Receive $5.00 Register Reward
Final Price: $0.50 each when you buy 2


Post Honey-Comb, 4.6 oz $1.00, Regular Price
Use $1.00/2 – Post Kids Cereal – (coupons.com)
Final Price: $0.50 each when you buy 2

Scotch Brite Wipes $1.62, Regular Price
Use $0.50/1 – Scotch-Brite Botanical Disinfecting Wipes, Available at Walmart – (coupons.com)
Final Price: $1.12

Windex Original Glass Cleaner, 32 oz $2.47, On Rollback
Use $0.75/1 – Windex Product, Any – (rightathome.com)
Final Price:  $1.72

Friday, October 14, 2011

Loving Ourselves – by Luci Swindoll

So often we don’t like who we are. We don’t like what we see in the mirror, we’re dissatisfied with how we look or what we weigh, or we’re disappointed in how we’ve misbehaved or how we’ve treated someone else. And the sum total of that prevents us from truly loving ourselves.

At one time or another I’ve felt unlovable for all the reasons listed above, and I imagine you have too. And on rare occasions, I still do. But I’ve learned that God loves me, no matter what. As long as I am confident in God’s love for me, I eventually come around to the realization I can love me too.

What happens when I love me unconditionally? Well, I’m more content, I feel appreciated, I’m sweeter to other people, I don’t get my feelings hurt because I’m secure inside, and I do things for other people without expecting something from them in return—all those things and more. In short, I do unto others what I want done unto me!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Thank you to all my fabulous ladies who came out last night to attend our L.I.F.T. meeting.  It was lots of fun and inspirational.  I truly love each and everyone and thank you for sharing your stories.  A special "Thank you" to Rosie Brodeur for opening her house to us.  The food was terrific, may God continue blessing you and your family. 

Thank you to Diana for her presentation.  (143 back to you).. haha

Next meeting will be held on November 8th at AMC-Kenosha Gordon Hall.  5824 7th Avenue.
Hope to see everyone there.  It is going to be a great night. 

Don't forget to call your "Phone Buddy".  Remember to keep her uplifted and encouraged. 

Couple of things:
Cookie Exchange will take place on December 13th at our L.I.F.T. meeting.
Fundraiser through Cookie Lee Jewelry as started.  If you have any questions, please call me. 
3rd Annual "Ladies Night Out" will be held on April 20th.  Tickets will go on sale soon.
Women of Faith 2-day conference.  October 5 & 6, 2012.  If it's God's will, we would like everyone to attend.  So, if you are interested, please do not hesitate to sign up.

Thank you and God Bless.
Love & Prayers,

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

lisa harper
There’s nothing like a paper gown to expose insecurity issues – and nether regions that should only be viewed in private. Much to my chagrin, I had to wear one of those trashy backless sheaths for eight hours while undergoing cardiac tests. It was bad enough to be sequestered in the hospital to begin with. Unless I’ve sliced an artery, I usually just pop a Tylenol, guzzle a Diet Coke and forget about it. But when I finally called my doctor’s office after six weeks of excruciating chest pain, they did everything but call my mama bad names to coerce me to get my heart checked out.

Thus, I spent the better part of a day being poked and prodded. The good news is my ticker is fine (simply torn cartilage from an overly enthusiastic boxing workout), but the experience got me to thinking about how rarely I have my “spiritual heart” checked out. How I often limp painfully along for extended seasons before finally realizing I need God’s help.

What about you?

Do you feel like God leans in to listen when you pray? (Read Psalm 17:5-7)

Is there room for spontaneity, fun and laughter in your life? When was the last time you laughed so hard, you cried? (Read Proverbs 29:6)

Do you hear the songs God promises to sing over you? (Read Zephaniah 3:17)

If you answered “no” or “not much” to those questions, it might be time to emulate Ezekiel and schedule divine surgery: And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. —Ezekiel 36:26 ESV

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Love You !!!  Received this email and just wanted to share.  Thanks Myrna.   You are loved.
She can deal with stress and carry heavy burdens. She smiles when she feels like screaming, and she sings when she feels like crying. She cries when she's happy and laughs when she's afraid.. Her love is unconditional. There's only one thing wrong with her. She forgets what she's worth!

So, tell every beautiful woman you know. Remind her that she's unique.

Coupon Cents by the Saving Sisters:  Diana & Monica

Here are the deals happening this week at CVS. 
Pricing is valid 10/9 – 10/15.
Gold Emblem Nuts Mixed 7-11.5 oz, Cashews 9.25-11.5 oz or Almonds 9-10.5 oz $2.98 Limit 4

Cottonelle or Cottonelle Ultra Bathroom Tissue, 18 Pack $8.88
Limit 3
Use $1.00/2 Cottonelle toilet paper, 4-packs OR (1) 12-pack or larger from SS 9/11 (exp 10/23)
or $1.00/2 Cottonelle toilet paper, 4-packs OR (1) 12-pack or larger from SS 10/2 (exp 10/30)
or $0.75/1 12 pack or 2 4 packs from SS 9/11 (exp 10/23)
or $0.50/4 single rolls or 1 12 pack from SS 10/2 (exp 10/30)
Final Price: $8.38 each when you buy 2

Pepsi, 2 Liter Bottle selected varieties
Buy 1 Get 1 Free Limit 6
Use 2 $0.55/1 Pepsi Max 2 Liter from Pepsi Insert 10/2 (exp 10/22)
Final Price: Varies
NOTE: Some regions may see
Pepsi, 2 Liter Selected Bottle $0.99
Limit 5
Use $0.55/1 Pepsi Max 2 Liter from Pepsi Insert 10/2 (exp 10/22)
Final Price: $0.44

All Neutrogena Skin, Hair Care or Cosmetics (excludes sun care)
Buy 1 Get 1 50 % Off
or 2  $2.00/1 Neutrogena Face Makeup from SS 10/2 (exp 11/6)
or 2 $1.00/1 Neutrogena Facial Cleanser from SS 8/28 (exp 11/30)
or 2 $2.00/1 Neutrogena Facial Moisturizer or Treatment from SS 8/28 (exp 11/30)
or 2 $1.00/1 Neutrogena Lip or Eye Makeup from SS 10/2 (exp 11/6)
or $1.00/1 – Neutrogena Acne or Cleansing Product – (neutrogena.com)
Use $5.00/1 – Neutrogena Acne Therapy System – (neutrogena.com)
or $5.00/1 – Neutrogena Clinical Product – (neutrogena.com)
or $1.00/1 – Neutrogena Cosmetic Product – (neutrogena.com)
or $2.00/1 – Neutrogena Therapeutic Hair Care – (neutrogena.com)
or $2.00/1 – Neutrogena Wave Pads, 30ct Refill – (neutrogenawave.com)
or $2.00/1 -  Neutrogena Wave Refill Pad – (neutrogena.com)
Final Price: Varies

All Nuance Salma Hayek Cosmetics, Hair Body or Facial Care
Buy 1 Get 1 50 % Off

Nestle or Hershey’s Fun. Snack Size Assorted 9.4-12.5 oz or Twizzlers Twists, 22 oz $2.44
Limit 8
Use $1.00/3  Hershey’s Snack Size Bags of Reese’s, Kit Kat, Hershey’s Milk Chocolate, York, Almond Joy, Mounds, Payday, Jolly Rancher, Milk Duds, Whoppers or Twizzlers 9 oz to 22 oz from SS 9/25 (exp 10/15)
$1.00/2 – Wonka Bags or Nestle Butterfinger, Cruch or Baby Ruth Fun Size or Miniatures – (nestlefamily.com)
Final Price: $2.10 each when you buy 3

CVS Vitamins A,B,C,D,E 50-500 ct., B-12 Liquid 8 oz or All CVS Calcium Supplements
Buy 1 Get 1 Free Limit 6

Nature’s Bounty Vitamin D 100-300 ct., Fish Oil 50-320 ct., CoQ-10 30-60 ct., Flax 60 ct., or Red Yeast Rice 120-250 ct.
Buy 1 Get 1 Free Limit 6
Use 2 $2.00/1 Nature’s Bounty Vitamin – (facebook.com)
or 2 $1.00/1 Nature’s Bounty Vitamin or Supplement from RP 9/11 (exp 10/25)
Final Price: Varies

Robitussin or Dimetapp, Liquid 4 oz or Robitussin, 20 ct $4.95
Limit 3
Use $2.00/1 – Dimetapp Product – (wyethallbrands.com)  Sign Up
or $1.00/1 Dimetapp Children’s Product from RP 10/9 (exp 11/15)
or $1.00/1 – Robitussin Product – (coupons.com)
or $1.00/1 – Dimetapp Product – (coupons.com)
or $1.00/1 – Robitussin Product – (wyethallbrands.com)
Final Price: $2.95

Mucinex Fast Max Liquid, 6 oz $9.88
Limit 3
Use $1.00/1 Mucinex Fast Max Liquid from SS 10/9 (exp 11/20)
or $1.00/1 – Mucinex Maximum Strength Fast-Max Liquid, 6oz – (redplum.com)
And use $1.00/1 – Mucinex Fast-Max Liquid, 6 oz, CVS Coupon – (cvs.com)
Final Price $7.88

Gold Emblem Juice, 64 oz (excludes Tropical and Fruit Punch) $2.49
Cafe Bustelo or Chase & Sanborn Coffee, 10-10.5 oz $2.99

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

This goes to all our young girls.  You girls Rock !!!  Know that you are loved.  Stay strong in the Lord and know that someday our King will come. 

TO:  Sofia, Kayle, Alina, Andrea, Shelby, Melissa, Bianca, Jessica, Nikki, Jaelin, Marisol, Jaclyn L., NiNi, Alexis, Ashley L., Makaila, Sabrina.
I would like to introduce you to my new addition.  Her name is Melany Cielo.  She is from Peru and is only 6 months old.  When I attend the Women of Faith Conference this past weekend, I was touch in a way that I can not describe.  I saw her face and I know that I just could not go home that day without helping her out.  So, I sponsored her through World Vision.  She is mine now !!!!!
So, if you would like to send Melany a "Welcome to the Family Gift" let me know.  She is need of all daily essentials and clothing.  Thank you and God Bless.

Maria and Melany

Monday, October 3, 2011

Women of Faith is a faith-based women's organization encouraging women of all ages and stages in life to grow in faith and spiritual maturity through a relationship with Jesus Christ and an understanding of God’s love and grace.

October 5 – 6, 2012
Bradley Center
Even in the midst of everyday challenges, there are treasures hidden in plain sight. Be refreshed and renewed at a one-of-a-kind weekend.
This past weekend was a blast !!!!.  I was so amazed at what God can do.  God is Good.  If you did not attend this years Women of Faith Conference, make sure to sign up for next years event.  It will be at the Bradley Center Oct 5 and 6.  If it is God's will, I will be there.  Tickets go on sale now, so send me an email or comment that you would like to sign up.  You will be allowed to make monthly payments towards your balance.  I monthly statement will be mailed out as a reminder of your purchase and balance. 
Challenge:  If you sale 5 tickets, You will earn your ticket to next year's event.  Yes, you can attend WOF next year for Free by selling 5 tickets. 
God Bless,

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Can you believe a week has already passed? We hope you're continuing to meet your daily water goal of 8-10 glasses of Brita® water.

Here are your top 4 tips of the week to stay on track and keep up with your daily water goal:   1.  Flavor to taste! Try a squeeze of lemon or lime in your water. Or add a sprig of mint to a glass.  2.  Make your routine your reminder. Decide to have a glass whenever you start a new task or project throughout your day, or when you check something off your to-do list.3.  Set a Brita® pitcher or bottle near your TV. Drink a glass during a commercial, or pause the DVR for a hydration break!4.  Drink one glass of water before each meal.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Who Are You—Really?

Who Are You - Really?
Your hands have made me and fashioned me. —Job 10:8
Do you know who you really are? Do you really?
I know this may sound like a radical concept to some of you, but the more I’ve soaked myself in the truth of God’s Word, the more I believe I know who I really am. God has the kindest and most amazingly brilliant methods of affirming who we are to him.
Well, just in case you aren’t completely sure who you really are, consider this wonderful list of verses as a daily reminder of what God thinks when he thinks of you—which is, by the way, constantly. Let them lift you up and open your heart to see your true identity.
  1. I am God’s daughter. (John 1:12)
  2. I’m a friend of Christ. (John 15:15)
  3. I’m God’s coworker. (1 Corinthians 3:9)
  4. I’m God’s workmanship. (Ephesians 2:10)
  5. I can’t be separated from the love of God. (Romans 8:35–39)
  6. I am free. (John 8:31–32)
  7. I am forgiven. (Romans 8:1–2)
  8. I can do all things through Christ. (Philippians 4:13)
  9. I have been blessed with every spiritual blessing. (Ephesians 1:3)
  10. I have Christ’s mind. (Philippians 2:5–7)
—Sandi Patty

Monday, September 26, 2011

Hey Ladies,

Watch out for "Coupon Cents" by the Saving Sisters every Friday.  Sign up to receive email notifications from L.I.F.T today. 

God is Good

God is Good !!!!

How did you wake up this morning; in what state of mind?

Did you not want to get up?  Did you say, " Oh, it's Monday, Again!"?  I'm too tired!!!  Did you just not want to get up?

Well, this morning when I got up, I said all of the above.  Monday, Again!!! I'm too tired.  I woke up this morning feeling tired and sorry for myself and didn't realize what is actually Importatint. 

I can see the light of day and I am breathing this morning.  I can actually get up out of bed and walk.  I have so many things to be thankful for but yet I want to soak in misery and have pity on myself because I have to go to work.  Wow.....  I should have opened my eyes and said; "Thank you Jesus" for allowing me to wake up this morning.  Thank you Jesus for allowing me to have a job to go to this morning.  Thank you Jesus because you are good.  Thank you Jesus.

So, I promise to wake up (tired as I may be) and give thanks to my creator for allowing me to be me.  For allowing me to have strength to get up each morning and take a step. 

I put all my trust in you, Jesus.  Take care of my family and friends as we start a new week.  Help us to realize that you are good and that we need to only depend on you.  Thank you for my job.  Watch over my mom and dad each and everyday for they are so precious to me.  Watch over us all. 

God is good,


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Women of Faith

Tender Adjustments – by Patsy Clairmont

Patsy ClairmontHave you ever seen a cashew in its shell? Me neither. It turns out that a cashew has caustic oil between the nut’s inner and outer shells. To rid this delectable treat of its acerbic element, the outer shell is burned or roasted off, and then the nut is boiled or roasted again to remove the inner shell.

Life’s hardships often feel as though someone has turned up the heat on us, and we wonder if we’ll survive. Yet I find when I’ve been “roasted” long enough in life’s difficulties, my outer casing of bad attitudes, preconceived notions, and high-mindedness is burned off. I’m left meeker, less defensive, more pliable, and less caustic.

Jesus died for every “nut” in the land . . . even the hardest one. And for that, I’m particularly grateful